OK0EU QRP BEACON - View reports
08-01-2025 | 17:19 | A | S3 | JO22NC [Netherlands] | Victor | PA3FNY | All 5 beacons Rx R8600 with active dipole 12m asl | |
01-07-2024 | 06:39 | B | S3 | 48.163086, -114.100897 [United States] | DN28WD | Travis Wilson | Picked up signal on a County Comm GP-7/SSB radio in Montana, USA! | |
14-06-2024 | 17:41 | B | S5 | zichem [Belgium] | JO21MA | Christiaan Van Aert | on8va | listen on a endfed antenne 10meters high |
30-04-2024 | 06:20 | B | S6 | Venlo [Netherlands] | Jan | PA0SIM | Your transmitter is broken! Your signal is very wide and causing qrm. | |
01-04-2024 | 13:57 | A | S5 | Nebra [Germany] | JO51TH | Joe | DL4CF | |
28-03-2024 | 14:21 | A | S3 | Eisleben [Germany] | JO51SM | Roland "Ron" Guenther | dl5cl | RX: ICR8600,ant endfed 26m@15m, QSB-92dBm/-89dBm |
28-03-2024 | 14:07 | B | S6 | Eisleben [Germany] | JO51SM | Roland "Ron" Guenther | dl5cl | RX: ICR8600,ant endfed 26m@15m, QSB-85dBm/-78dBm |
21-03-2024 | 20:36 | A | S4 | Poggio Rusco (Mantova) [Italy] | JN54NX | Annibale Malagoli | ik2gra | Ant. Vertical AV640 + Kenwood TS930s |
21-03-2024 | 20:18 | B | S5 | Poggio Rusco (Mantova) [Italy] | JN54NX | Annibale Malagoli | ik2gra | Ant Vertical AV640 + Kenwood TS930s |
21-03-2024 | 16:33 | B | S9+ | NOALE [Italy] | JN65AN | ENRICO CIULLA | IT0JZB | Ricevuto tramite SDR IW3HBX |
13-01-2024 | 15:37 | B | S8 | JO70CM [Czech Republic] | JO80CM | Arnošt | 0K1CPS | Též na kmitočtu 4,649 MHz všech 5 majáků FB - 589 |
21-12-2023 | 06:46 | B | S2 | Città di Castello [Italy] | JN63CK | Marco Formoso | IK0YUS | Rx IC-7700 ICOM Antenna vertical. 73 Ciao |
27-11-2023 | 16:26 | B | S2 | Laukaa [Finland] | KP22XK | Raimo Karjalainen | OH6JKN | JRC NRD-535 + MegaLoop FX with aluminum octagonal circle loop, circle length 8 meters |
09-10-2023 | 18:45 | B | S9 | Kamnik [Slovenia] | JN76HE | Miran | S57EA | FB steady over 30min - 250Hz CW filter, Ant LW 42m/6mUp |
04-07-2023 | 00:40 | B | S2 | Woodstock, Vermont [United States] | FN33RO | George Thomas | KB0QVT | Signal heard using 10m dipole, FT-817 |
18-06-2023 | 11:43 | B | S3 | Erlangen [Germany] | JN59LO | Werner | DL1RTD | I can hear the beacon daily |
04-06-2023 | 19:53 | A | S5 | Helmond [Netherlands] | JO21TL | WILBERT | PA2WLE | |
30-05-2023 | 20:34 | B | S9 | Medebach [Germany] | JO41IE | Chris | DL4DAW | Thanks for operating htis beacon. Nice Signal here in central Germany ! |
23-05-2023 | 20:31 | A | S3 | Taufkirchen [Germany] | JN68BI | Chris | DL1ENZ | |
22-05-2023 | 21:46 | B | S1 | Olgiate Molgora (Lc) [Italy] | JN45QR | Carlo | IK2NHH | Clear signal copied in the QRM with homemade dipole low to the ground. |
18-05-2023 | 22:00 | A | S5 | Erkrtah [Germany] | JO31KF | Veit Pelinski | DE0VSP | RX YAESU FT900 , Ant. W3DZZ , vy 73 |
07-05-2023 | 14:57 | A | S9 | Neratovice [Czech Republic] | JO70GG | Eduard | ok1drg | stabilní signál S9, audio kolísá asi v interferenci s jiným TX (reciev: DI RA) |
07-05-2023 | 10:38 | B | S5 | North of Hamburg [Germany] | JO43US | Olaf | DK2LO | solid copy at Butternut HF2V and MA12 QRP Rig |
24-04-2023 | 18:34 | B | S8 | Linz [Austria] | JN78DH | Frank | OE5NEF | It is loud and clear between a lot of QRM in teh City |
25-03-2023 | 17:03 | B | S5 | Bippen [Germany] | JO32UO | Eric | DL1ECN | Clear S5 signal with status MI; please e-qsl |
18-12-2022 | 11:50 | A | S6 | 9 Krizu [Czech Republic] | JN89DG | Jirka | OK2IT | HPSDR Hermes + K9AY |
20-11-2022 | 20:31 | A | S5 | [Hungary] | JN86VT | ha3is | RST 559 | |
11-08-2022 | 03:54 | B | S7 | Springdale Arkansas [United States] | KD5EYC | |||
10-10-2022 | 12:52 | B | S9 | D-48485 Neuenkirchen [Germany] | JO32QF | Guenter | DL2NY | strong on 40 Meter Monoband Dipole ufb 73 |
01-07-2022 | 07:29 | A | S1 | Basdorf nr Wandlitz, Berlin, DE [Germany] | Karl | DL6DAV | Heard on 4650KHz. VA, PV & TR heard the same day at allotted intervals, same signal strength. | |
26-04-2022 | 23:50 | A | S7 | Weinheim [Germany] | JN49HN | Christoph | DB4UP | TNX es GL. 73 ! |
01-03-2022 | 19:17 | A | S6 | [Czech Republic] | JO80CM | Arno | OK1CPS | MAGNETIC ANT. |
23-02-2022 | 14:28 | B | S9 | Praha 5 - Zlicin [Czech Republic] | JO70DB | Martin Dejmal | OK5MD | Diamond CP6 antenna |
12-12-2021 | 23:31 | B | S2 | Praha 9 [Czech Republic] | JO70HB | David | OK1BPN | GAP Titan DX 2m nad terenem, hranice sumu... |
12-12-2021 | 23:28 | A | S9+ | Praha 9 [Czech Republic] | JO70HB | David | OK1BPN | INV-V 80m, 15m nad terenem = S9+20dB !!! |
26-09-2021 | 16:38 | A | S3 | Erkrath [Germany] | JO31KF | Veit Pelinski | DE0VSP | your Status info at 1642 was: UI MA DA RA |
25-09-2021 | 19:55 | A | S7 | St.Petersburg [Russian Federation] | KO49TQ | Leo Bovin | R1LB | SDR RX RSP DUO @ NVIS DIPOLE 80 M BAND |
29-08-2021 | 18:37 | A | S7 | Hamburg [Germany] | JO53CK | Roland | DF3LZ | Also very good signal on 4649.5 kHz |
26-08-2021 | 01:38 | B | S3 | Portishead [United Kingdom] | IO81OL | Hilary | G4YNV | |
14-08-2021 | 03:25 | A | S2 | South of Graz [Austria] | JN77RA | Helmt | OE6IEG | RX Alinco TX70 Dipol 8mt up, little QRM |
22-07-2021 | 06:58 | B | S7 | Tagliacozzo [Italy] | JN62PB | Franco Moretti | IK6AQU | Clear tone signal |
21-06-2021 | 21:28 | B | S9+ | LANDECK/AUSTRIA [Austria] | JN57GD | Gerhard | OE7PGJ | mni tnx ur are 59+10dB Ant:Loop 80m Band, 84m long 16m over ground |
25-05-2021 | 12:55 | B | S4 | Bucharest [Romania] | KN34BK | Cristi | yo3fff | QSB but readable |
23-05-2021 | 03:31 | A | S9+ | Penisland [Zimbabwe] | FN42FM | |||
30-04-2021 | 03:27 | B | S2 | Richwood, Ohio [United States] | Ronald Diehl | NQ8W | extremely weak signal, disappeared after about a minute | |
14-04-2021 | 12:48 | B | S3 | Bonn [Germany] | JO30MS | Wilhelm | DL4KAL | Kiwi SDR, MiniWhip => http://dl0dtm.ddns.net:8073 |
24-03-2021 | 12:48 | A | S9+ | Richwood, Ohio [United States] | Ronald Diehl | NQ8W | very clear signal for a few minutes | |
02-02-2021 | 16:42 | B | S8 | Bellinzona [Switzerland] | JN46ME | Frank | HB9AFZ | |
08-01-2021 | 09:21 | A | S7 | Twello Netherlands [Netherlands] | JO32BG | Peter | PE1nmr | using FT990 and fullwave invV 14hm, excelent |
01-01-2021 | 05:34 | A | S5 | Fuerth [Germany] | JN59LL | Friedrich Wiegel | DF6NW | I can hear the beacon daily. |
15-10-2020 | 08:33 | B | S6 | Stone [United Kingdom] | IO82WV | Richard Lamont | G4DYA | Freqs 7038.387, 7038.488, 7038.492 and CW IDs missing or defective |
09-08-2020 | 11:43 | B | S7 | Berikon [Switzerland] | JN47EI | Andy | hb9cvq | S7 on 2 el Yagi (DB18E) @18m , ca. 6dB slow QSB |
22-07-2020 | 17:05 | A | S1 | zevenaar [Netherlands] | JO32AW | jan | pa0jed | S1 to S0 QSB |
22-07-2020 | 16:43 | B | S2 | Zevenaar [Netherlands] | JO31AW | Jan | pa0jed | |
24-06-2020 | 13:06 | B | S1 | MILANO [Italy] | JN45OK | CRISTIANO | IW2IBG | S=1 I=3 N=3 F=3 O=2 |
17-06-2020 | 21:25 | A | S9+ | Sojovice. chatova osada Severka [Czech Republic] | JO70JF | Miro | OK1OX | Bombasticky a stabilni signal |
23-05-2020 | 06:41 | B | S9 | Fuerth [Germany] | JN59LL | Friedrich Wiegel | DF6NW | nice beacon project |
20-05-2020 | 08:07 | B | S1 | Filderstadt nr. Stuttgart in South Germany [Germany] | JN48OP | Juergen | DL2SCH | Rx with 300Hz ZF-Filter - 17m wire / -140dbm with QSB signal, tone warbling |
19-04-2020 | 05:12 | B | S3 | Wichita, KS [United States] | Jacob Atkins | KE0QPJ | ||
24-01-2020 | 19:18 | A | S9 | Hannover [Germany] | JO42WJ | Martin | DL2LFH | signal about equal strength with noise, some QSB, tone warbling |
22-02-2019 | 15:05 | A | S2 | Walzenhausen [Switzerland] | JN47TK | Peter | HB9DAQ | RX: KX3 - Antenna:18m Vertikal with Spyderbeam Mast - RST:529 / other permanent carrier with abt. 500Hz on the same QRG, 73Peter |
07-12-2018 | 12:47 | B | S4 | nr Hamburg [Germany] | JO43RS | Hans-Peter | DK1IZ | Dipole indoor |
06-12-2018 | 08:41 | B | S8 | [Sweden] | JP73ET | Ulf | SM3CIQ | Pse QSY ur QRMing a skedfrequency |
18-04-2018 | 17:28 | B | S5 | Nottingham [United Kingdom] | IO02KX | Ron | G3SEN | slow qsb |
03-04-2018 | 22:44 | B | S3 | Kourou - French Guiana [French Southern Terr.] | GJ35PE | Laurent | FY5KE | QSB - RX Ant 3 el @ 30 m |
30-03-2018 | 07:54 | A | S4 | near Kortrijk [Belgium] | JO10OS | Ulli | ON5KQ | 20db s/n ratio, -100dbm at active, directional and broadband 2ele vertical |
28-02-2018 | 18:14 | A | S7 | Uffenheim [Germany] | JN59CM | Manfred | DE1MGS | RX is Icom R8600 switch 100Hz Filter please QSL via Bureau TNX 73 |
27-09-2017 | 10:24 | B | S5 | Berlin, RX/ant. remote controlled in: [Germany] | JO62KI | Ralf | DE7RXA | Home: Berlin, RX/Ant. remote controlled in JO62KI (Cloud IQ) |
27-09-2017 | 10:17 | A | S5 | Berlin, RX/Ant. remote controlled in: [Germany] | JO62KI | Ralf | DE7RXA | SDR remote controlled in JO62KI, out of city noise. |
29-04-2017 | 14:37 | B | S5 | Athens [Greece] | George Georgiou | |||
06-04-2017 | 10:58 | B | S6 | Munich [Germany] | JN58TN | Ray | DL4MCA | heavy QSB but no problem, Antenna Dipole |
16-12-2016 | 09:19 | B | S2 | Novy Bor [Czech Republic] | JO70GS | Ivo Parizek | listener | |
14-03-2016 | 15:00 | B | S6 | Munich [Germany] | JN58TC | Ray | DL4MCA | qsb, ant dipole beaming north/south |
21-09-2015 | 08:12 | B | S7 | Kortrijk [Belgium] | JO10OT | Phil | ON7GO | |
02-03-2015 | 13:02 | B | S1 | Zagreb [Croatia] | JN85AT | Felix | 9A1X | received with 7 meters of loop wire (over balun) in my room |
04-01-2015 | 17:14 | A | S4 | nr. Hamburg [Germany] | JO43RS | HaPe | DK1IZ | with indoor Wire Antenna |
21-10-2014 | 05:04 | A | S7 | Berlin [Germany] | JO62PN | Ben | DE1307 | Twente Web SDR / Pardt Aktive Whip |
13-07-2014 | 07:28 | B | S3 | Sucha Beskidzka [Poland] | JN99SS | Stanislaw | sp9xcj | ic-7600 ant dipol |
19-06-2014 | 23:11 | A | S3 | Naestved [Denmark] | JO55UF | Jens H. Jensen | OZ1LRG | Weak but copied, RST 33? |
19-06-2014 | 23:11 | B | S2 | Naestved [Denmark] | JO55UF | Jens H. Jensen | OZ1LRG | amazing signal for 1W.. |
01-02-2014 | 12:10 | B | S5 | Futtsu-Shi, Chiba-Ken [Japan] | JO32KF | Isao Yamanaka | JA-SWL | via a WebSDR located in Enschede, The Netherlands |
15-12-2013 | 17:35 | A | S8 | Whitworth, Lancashire [United Kingdom] | IO83VP | Alan Gale | G4TMV | Some QRM from datamode stations and ops in SSB QSO |
28-10-2013 | 16:57 | B | S6 | Tewkesbury [United Kingdom] | IO82WA | Walt Davidson | G3NYY | At the same time, HB9AFZ/B on 7.038 MHz was S8. |
01-10-2013 | 08:55 | A | S6 | portable near Passau [Germany] | JN68RN | Max Falkner | DK5RV | always very fast qsb always around S6 |
01-08-2013 | 15:27 | A | S5 | Malente [Germany] | JO54HF | Andy | DL7RU | I can hear the sigs all day long with variable strenght |
04-04-2013 | 12:35 | B | S8 | Bonn [Germany] | JO30NR | Deutsche Welle | DK0DW | |
23-03-2013 | 06:26 | A | S8 | D-21629 Neu Wulmstorf [Germany] | JO43VK | Heino Tiedemann | DO1TI | |
11-02-2013 | 14:01 | A | S7 | Gornau [Germany] | JO60MS | Bernd | DB1BKA | |
09-11-2012 | 15:00 | A | S8 | Graz [Austria] | JN77RC | Wolfram | oe6ewg | |
18-10-2012 | 16:09 | B | S8 | Fulda [Germany] | JO40UM | Klaus | DJ7JE | Strong signal |
17-10-2012 | 16:46 | B | S9 | Eichenzell nr Fulda [Germany] | Manfred | DO1FT | ||
15-10-2012 | 14:27 | A | S9 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | DJ3IW | ||
27-08-2012 | 04:17 | A | S5 | Tau [Norway] | JO29XB | Michael | LA5SAA | QRM from constant carrier |
05-06-2012 | 16:43 | B | S3 | Antoing [Belgium] | JO10RN | Jean-Michel | ON3JMV | Signal 3 / Radio 3 / QSB / PSK31 QRM / 73 TU |
08-04-2012 | 09:14 | B | S5 | Wolfsburg [Germany] | JO52IJ | Klaus | DE8MTG | good sigs, thanks for activity. also DL8TG - qrp |
13-04-2012 | 18:15 | B | S5 | CLYDEBANK,GLASGOW [United Kingdom] | IO75TW | Richard Coyle | GM4ZMK | Good signal for qrp / Icom 706mk2 ant LW N/S 73s Ric |
10-04-2012 | 06:08 | A | S3 | BRA [Italy] | JN34VR | renato | i1bep | HRD CW on 1854,00 KHZ TS590 antenna vertical 160mt |
07-04-2012 | 09:58 | A | S6 | Neudrossenfeld [Germany] | JO50RA | Manfred | DK4NQ | solid copy in spite of poor propagation |
05-04-2012 | 12:26 | B | S7 | Meldorf [Germany] | JO44NC | Fred | DJ3KK | good signal - no QRM |
04-04-2012 | 16:37 | A | S5 | D-25704 Meldorf [Germany] | JO44NC | Fred Heusy | DJ3KK | good QRP-signal - no QRM |
04-04-2012 | 07:37 | A | S6 | Fulda [Germany] | JO40UM | Klaus | DJ7JE | |
22-03-2012 | 19:46 | B | S5 | Nr. Halmstad [Sweden] | JO66IQ | Robert Carlsson | SM6VMD | |
12-03-2012 | 19:36 | B | S2 | Vaasa [Finland] | KP03SD | OH6BG | Skimmer report: OH6BG 7038.5 OK0EU 11 dB 30 wpm CQ 2012-03-12 19:36:00 | |
10-03-2012 | 20:34 | A | S3 | [Finland] | teijo.maenpaa@sakyla.fi | |||
07-03-2012 | 08:35 | B | S3 | Munich [Germany] | JN58TC | Ray | DL4MCA | Ant dipole under roof |
28-02-2012 | 12:00 | B | S3 | Munich [Germany] | JN58TC | Ray | DL4MCA | with QSB |
28-02-2012 | 05:53 | A | S8 | Tau [Norway] | JO29XB | Michael Theiss | LA5SAA | |
19-02-2012 | 08:54 | B | S7 | Polevsko, ECL [Czech Republic] | JO70GS | Radek | OK1FHI | FT2000 + Inv.V 2x10m, fb signal during ARRL CW contest :-) |
08-02-2012 | 10:59 | B | S7 | Berlin [Germany] | JO62TN | Joerg Schenke | DM5MM | my ant: 2 x 12 mtr vert dipol = your 1 watt signal is ufb = 73 de Joerg |
06-02-2012 | 08:55 | B | S6 | Berlin [Germany] | JO62TM | Nico | DD6VFS | |
06-02-2012 | 08:35 | B | S8 | Berlin [Germany] | JO62TN | Joerg Schenke | DM5MM | vy good signal in Berlin, all the best, 73 es gl de Joerg, DM5MM |
12-01-2012 | 07:27 | A | S8 | Budapest [Hungary] | JN97NM | George | ha5aoe | good job, 73 |
07-01-2012 | 11:41 | B | S2 | Munich [Germany] | JN58TC | Rainer | DL4MCA | strong qsb |
31-12-2011 | 18:24 | A | S2 | ZABRZE [Poland] | JO90JH | Tadeusz | SP9LWH | |
12-12-2011 | 12:00 | B | S5 | Netphen nr Siegen [Germany] | JO40BW | Klaus-Peter | DJ4DI | QSB Rig: K2 Ant: Dipol 2x6.50m |
21-11-2011 | 16:17 | A | S5 | [Czech Republic] | JO70GS | Radek | OK1FHI | audio: http://www.ok1fhi.cz/images/stories/ok0eu_beacon_80m.mp3 , trx: FT2000, ant: Inv.V |
11-11-2011 | 05:05 | B | S5 | St-Petersburg [Russian Federation] | KO59DU | Leo | UA1ASB | ic-718/Zepp Ant plus Spectrum Lab |
23-10-2011 | 14:40 | B | S7 | Konjice [Slovenia] | JN76QI | Alojz | S52KL | FB signal almost every day / Thanks |
22-10-2011 | 10:42 | B | S3 | Munich [Germany] | JN58TC | Ray | DL4MCA | Ant Dipole |
08-10-2011 | 21:39 | A | S4 | Lancashire [United Kingdom] | IO83VP | Alan Gale | G4TMV | Good steady signal here at the moment. |
12-08-2011 | 21:05 | B | S7 | Alytus [Lithuania] | KO25AL | Vytenis Sciucka | LY2KZ | |
28-07-2011 | 18:09 | A | S7 | Nordhorn [Germany] | JO32NK | Hermann Portheine | DE1NOH | German SWL Station |
14-07-2011 | 10:38 | A | S4 | near Hannover [Germany] | JO42UG | Billy | DJ1PG | constant signal strength - TRX :ICOM 765 with 250 Hz-filter |
08-01-2011 | 10:12 | B | S7 | Leipzig [Germany] | JO61EJ | Hans Juergen Fiedler | DL5WS | FT DX 5000 MP + Dipole Direction (receive) North/South |
26-12-2010 | 23:08 | A | S8 | [Germany] | JO30OQ | Uli | DF4KV | |
24-12-2010 | 05:42 | A | S9 | Rodgau nr Frankfurt / Main [Germany] | JO40KA | Ruediger | DL6FBJ | |
16-12-2010 | 10:21 | B | S9+ | Denmark [Denmark] | JO55PM | John Wittrock | OZ1LXJ | Once again your useless Beacon jammed a DX Exp. This time VK9NN on RTTY. I guess this report makes you happy, Congratulations. |
16-12-2010 | 09:30 | B | S5 | Sweden [Sweden] | JP99OO | Dont like Beacons | FU | Your stupid beacon destroyed any chances of QSO with VK9NN on RTTY! |
07-12-2010 | 22:50 | B | S8 | Moscow [Russian Federation] | KO85QR | Andrey | RD3AMP/QRP | |
29-11-2010 | 10:15 | B | S7 | Zetten [Netherlands] | JO21UW | Theo | PA3THE | pa3the@gmail.com |
04-08-2010 | 13:35 | A | S3 | Cowes [United Kingdom] | IO90IR | Alan | G4ZFQ | http://sites.google.com/site/g4zfqradio/ok0eu-beacon-screenshot-3-4-august-2010 |
08-07-2010 | 11:35 | B | S7 | Radisleben [Germany] | JO51PR | Sig | dl1hsi | QSR S 1-S7 ; RX: Home made QRP TRX ( Vierziger) Sloop Dipol |
29-06-2010 | 19:30 | B | S8 | Lauwe [Belgium] | JO10OS | Ulli | ON5KQ | very regularly I can hear OK0EU in early evenings with -80dbm +/- qsb, rx/tx-antenna: 8ele vertical circle array |
11-06-2010 | 14:19 | B | S6 | Giavera del Montello (Treviso) [Italy] | JN65CS | Gianni | I3GVN | Very thanks for utility ! |
01-05-2010 | 17:45 | A | S1 | Buckingham [United Kingdom] | IO92MA | Dave | G0WBX | Spectran V2, Skanti TRP8255 RX, and untuned vertical. |
20-03-2010 | 09:51 | B | S5 | Surabaya City [Indonesia] | OI62IS | Samirun Hadi | YD3BNH | nice signal |
09-02-2010 | 13:05 | A | S2 | [Hungary] | JN86XU | HA3IS | QSB signal and QRN/QRM, RX: IC706MKIIG, ANT: W3DZZ, WX: sunny abt 0 C | |
09-02-2010 | 11:36 | B | S6 | [Hungary] | JN86XU | HA3IS | fb QSB signal. RX: IC706MKIIG, ANT: W3DZZ | |
07-01-2010 | 11:43 | B | S6 | Budapest [Hungary] | JN97MM | George | ha5aoe | ant: 14 Mhz balcoondipole, rx: ts730 (tnx,73) |
27-12-2009 | 08:51 | B | S9+ | Reutlingen [Germany] | JN48OH | Andy | DL2SAS | Very clear and loud signal. Little QSB |
16-12-2009 | 11:52 | B | S6 | Oldenzaal [Netherlands] | JO32KH | Marcel | PA9M | FB on your qrp beacon |
10-12-2009 | 12:26 | A | S9 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | DJ3IW | QSB S7 | |
07-12-2009 | 13:59 | A | S9 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | DJ3IW | ||
01-12-2009 | 14:40 | A | S4 | [France] | Thierry Alves | F4EOB | A small 1 meter tuned whip was used with an IC-R20. Good reception all nights. Also possible inside home in Paris center ! | |
02-10-2009 | 13:01 | A | S1 | jn98on [Slovak Republic] | JN98ON | |||
28-09-2009 | 22:04 | A | S6 | Krupka [Czech Republic] | JO60WQ | Pavel Braniš | OK1JAX | Vy QRM |
19-07-2009 | 19:04 | A | S2 | Berlin [Germany] | JO62RN | Tom | DL7UZO | Nice copy but Carrier on same QRG. No QSB |
10-06-2009 | 01:14 | A | S8 | [Anguilla] | ||||
04-05-2009 | 22:58 | B | S7 | St. Petersburg [Russian Federation] | KO59GW | Vladimir | UA1AVA | good copy your beacon but sometimes in QSB on LW antenna 40 meters long |
29-03-2009 | 22:19 | B | S8 | PESCARA [Italy] | JN72CL | Francesco | I6FCR | STRONG QRM |
12-03-2009 | 10:36 | A | S2 | [Czech Republic] | JN69SP | OK9TVR | RX: YAESU FT 857, Antena: Vertical 5,4m | |
06-03-2009 | 00:57 | A | S8 | Wirges [Germany] | JO30VL | DO9JW | RX by FT-817, ANT is 18m wire | |
21-01-2009 | 09:53 | B | S5 | nr zurich [Switzerland] | JN47JH | Kurt Georg Schifferli | HB9DOI | |
16-01-2009 | 21:10 | B | S5 | Belgrade [Serbia] | KN04FS | Miki | yu1km/qrp | |
10-12-2008 | 22:45 | A | S4 | Oldenzaal [Netherlands] | JO32KH | Marcel Bos | PA9M | nice to here on FT1000mp cw narrow 250hz, ant active HB |
26-11-2008 | 09:35 | B | S3 | Nibe [Denmark] | JO46TX | Allan Asmussen | OZ1FSM | Some qrm, but very clear on Argo Qrss plot! |
12-11-2008 | 10:15 | B | S6 | Lauwe, Belgium [Belgium] | JO10OS | Ulli | ON5KQ | QSB but stable -92dBm at peak - send recording via e-mail also |
25-10-2008 | 04:42 | A | S3 | geneve [Switzerland] | JN36AE | Andrea | HB9EMK | NICE PROJECT ! |
20-10-2008 | 12:02 | A | S4 | Ophain [Belgium] | C.C.R.M. | --- | Radio Monitoring Center for Mobile services 50N3930 4E21 | |
16-09-2008 | 16:12 | A | S5 | Chodov KV [Czech Republic] | JO60IF | Michal | ok1gmn | |
14-09-2008 | 17:09 | A | S6 | nr hannover [Germany] | JO42TG | Wolfgang | DK1HW | Frequency: 1854,0khz !!!!! ant:2x20m |
02-09-2008 | 21:00 | A | S6 | Glueckstadt/nr.Hamburg [Germany] | JO43RS | Hans-Peter | DL5LBY | RX: IC-735 2*20m indoor dipole |
01-08-2008 | 22:42 | B | S7 | Martin Rodriguez 281 (1846) Adrogue [Argentina] | GF05TE | Gabriel | LU3DAT | Rig - Kenwood Ts-870 - Ant. Yagi 3 Elem. |
15-07-2008 | 18:29 | B | S8 | Lajkovac [Serbia] | KN04CJ | Dusan Milovanovic | YT1DL | Home made QRP SDR Avala-01 TRX |
05-07-2008 | 00:15 | A | S6 | 949-2 Kameda, Futtsu-Shi, Chiba-Ken [Japan] | ISAO YAMANAKA | via Online Receiver at Embleton, United Kingdom | ||
20-06-2008 | 16:12 | A | S5 | mklm400@yahoo.com [Banglades] | Mofizur Rahman | Good Signal | ||
27-05-2008 | 10:06 | B | S5 | Magdeburg [Germany] | JO52TD | Thomas | DE0DDR | |
27-05-2008 | 10:06 | B | S5 | Magdeburg [Germany] | JO52TD | Thomas | DE0DDR | |
22-05-2008 | 12:40 | A | S4 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | DJ3IW | ||
04-05-2008 | 03:48 | A | S6 | Tewkesbury [United Kingdom] | IO82WA | Walt Davidson | G3NYY | Steady signal; no QSB. |
17-04-2008 | 22:33 | B | S3 | Stansted / Bishop's Stortford [United Kingdom] | JO01CU | Jirka | M0ITY | QSB,QRN+Static crashes... in and out. Zajimavy projekt. Ahoj. Jirka |
12-04-2008 | 14:12 | B | S8 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | Heinz | DL3RAD | gud reception of OK0EU! - RX IC703/ZS6BKW 10 mtr up! |
24-03-2008 | 09:46 | B | S5 | Belgrade [Serbia] | KN04FS | YU1KM | Miki | |
20-03-2008 | 21:00 | B | S8 | Lugansk [Ukraine] | KN98PO | Dmitry | UR4MCK | Received by my test SDR receiver and Inv. V. for 40m |
08-03-2008 | 09:29 | B | S5 | SANSAIS [France (European Ter.)] | IN96RG | LECAS | F6FSA | on FREQ 10134.000KHZ 500:200:100MW |
27-01-2008 | 13:26 | B | S7 | Lysa hora [Czech Republic] | JO60OK | Jan Kraus | OK1-34856 | RX: IC-756PROIII, ANT: beverage 280 m |
27-01-2008 | 19:07 | A | S9+ | Singen [Germany] | JN47KS | Walter | DL8GBQ | TRX. Blue Cool Radio, Ant. G5RV N/S 12up. |
25-01-2008 | 21:23 | B | S9 | Korycany [Czech Republic] | JN89NC | Jarda | OK9TDU | |
22-01-2008 | 21:30 | A | S9 | Korycany [Czech Republic] | Jaroslav | OK9TDU | ||
16-01-2008 | 06:38 | A | S1 | Shoreham,New York [United States] | FN30NW | Tom | WB2YDS | Very weak but visible with SpecLab IC703 and N/S 80M Dipole : wb2yds at verizon.net |
25-11-2007 | 20:30 | A | S5 | North Sardinia [Italy] | JN41II | Petr Doudera | IS0/OK1CZ | FB SIGNAL NA SARDINII. 73 |
25-11-2007 | 20:30 | A | S5 | North Sardinia [Italy] | JN41II | Petr Doudera | IS0/OK1CZ | FB SIGNAL NA SARDINII. 73 |
28-12-2007 | 12:35 | A | S8 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | Goetz | DJ3IW | IC-756 Pro3, dipole - really only 1W??? |
11-11-2007 | 10:45 | A | S5 | [Czech Republic] | JO60OK | Jan Kraus | OK1-34856 | RX: IC-756PROIII, ANT: beverage 280 m |
11-11-2007 | 10:45 | A | S5 | [Czech Republic] | JO60OK | Jan Kraus | OK1-34856 | RX: IC-756PROIII, ANT: beverage 280 m |
22-09-2007 | 04:57 | A | S7 | Glueckstadt nr. Hamburg [Germany] | JO43RS | Hans-Peter | DL5LBY | RX: IC-735 Ant:W5GI "Mystery" indoor |
22-09-2007 | 04:57 | A | S7 | Glueckstadt nr. Hamburg [Germany] | JO43RS | Hans-Peter | DL5LBY | RX: IC-735 Ant:W5GI "Mystery" indoor |
26-08-2007 | 22:29 | B | S5 | Preveza [Greece] | KM08JX | Takis | sv6czq/p | Recv Emtech NW-40, Ant Inv-v dipole.Congratulations! |
15-08-2007 | 19:27 | A | S7 | Paris [France] | JN18EU | Steph | F5NZY | IC756 PRO, Windom, 42m up |
15-08-2007 | 19:27 | A | S7 | Paris [France] | JN18EU | Steph | F5NZY | IC756 PRO, Windom, 42m up |
27-07-2007 | 05:35 | A | S5 | Berlin [Germany] | JO62PN | Ben | ------ | fine signal!, RXEKD-300, Spectran/Argo soft dipole under roof |
28-04-2007 | 12:16 | B | S3 | Hulshorst [Netherlands] | JO22UI | JanJaap Vosselman | PG7V | Rx on FT-2000, ant. G5RV |
15-04-2007 | 13:34 | A | S7 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | Goetz | DJ3IW | QSB S5 |
03-04-2007 | 19:27 | B | S9+ | near Brussels [Belgium] | Your signal disturbing RTTY band | |||
23-02-2007 | 02:03 | A | S3 | (Preveza) North West Coast [Greece] | KM08JX | Takis | sv6czq | RX FT-817,ANT Cushcraft R5 - QRM Between Russian Beacons |
09-02-2007 | 23:26 | B | S3 | 20 kms east of Limoges [France] | JN05QV | Jean-Yves | f8chr | IC 706 - small vertical antenna (PA0FBK) indoor |
09-02-2007 | 23:20 | A | S1 | 20 kms east of Limoges [France] | JN05QV | Jean-Yves | f8chr | IC 706 - small vertical antenna (PA0FBK) indoor |
10-01-2007 | 20:39 | A | S7 | Ebsdorfergrund, about 70 km north of Frankfurt [Germany] | JO40KS | Norbert | DK6NF | TRX: elecraft K2, IF-Filter-Bandwidth 2.4 kHz, Preamp. off |
10-01-2007 | 20:39 | A | S7 | Ebsdorfergrund, about 70 km north of Frankfurt [Germany] | JO40KS | Norbert | DK6NF | TRX: elecraft K2, IF-Filter-Bandwidth 2.4 kHz, Preamp. off |
15-12-2006 | 01:35 | A | S1 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | Goetz | DJ3IW | QSB Magnetic index K7 |
01-12-2006 | 21:14 | A | S8 | Niederkruechten [Germany] | JO31CF | Karl Heinz | DL2XL | Stn x,495 best sign -75dBm. Stn x,500 + 505 sign -60dBm. 30dB QSB. 55+gl |
01-12-2006 | 21:14 | A | S8 | Niederkruechten [Germany] | JO31CF | Karl Heinz | DL2XL | Stn x,495 best sign -75dBm. Stn x,500 + 505 sign -60dBm. 30dB QSB. 55+gl |
01-12-2006 | 19:58 | A | S7 | Lage Mierde [Netherlands] | JO21NJ | Louis van Erck | PAoLCE | IC-718 Inv. V 2x20m +35m open feeder . Rf stage switched off .ATTenuater switched on. Reception time 01/20.00UTC |
30-11-2006 | 09:06 | A | S5 | Antweiler [Germany] | JO30JN | Wolfgang Schwirner | DK9KC | |
19-11-2006 | 12:46 | B | S7 | Schaffhausen [Switzerland] | JN47HQ | Markus | HB9BRJ | rig FT-990 ant GP |
13-11-2006 | 07:44 | A | S1 | [Czech Republic] | JO70TP | JIRI | OK1FT | |
13-11-2006 | 07:44 | A | S1 | [Czech Republic] | JO70TP | JIRI | OK1FT | |
26-10-2006 | 18:40 | A | S2 | Munich [Germany] | JN58VC | Michael | DB6MG | Antenna: Inv-V (2*10m) |
13-09-2006 | 12:12 | A | S3 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | Goetz | DJ3IW | QSB S1 |
12-09-2006 | 20:04 | A | S8 | Burglengenfeld [Germany] | JN69AE | Goetz | DJ3IW | vy strong sigs every night |
29-08-2006 | 17:28 | A | S1 | Ingelheim [Germany] | JN49AX | Marco | DD7PC | clear copy in Argo and speakercopy every minute of the call (CW) |
02-08-2006 | 09:19 | B | S7 | Lausanne [Switzerland] | Claude | HB9CGL | Congrats for vy nice and interesting project. 73's | |
15-07-2006 | 00:12 | A | S8 | Bonn [Germany] | JO30NR | Franz Brechtken | DL3PS | ANT: Dipole 15m high |
06-07-2006 | 17:53 | B | S3 | Szczecin [Poland] | DOUG ALLEY | kg4ita | Nice to have a reliable signal to judge radio propagagion with. Thanks | |
22-06-2006 | 05:30 | B | S7 | Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire [United Kingdom] | IO82WA | Walt Davidson | G3NYY | g3nyy@ukgateway.net Rig hr TS690S, 30m doublet up 12m. |
22-05-2006 | 04:38 | A | S5 | SZCZECIN [Poland] | DOUG ALLEY | KG4ITA | ||
11-03-2006 | 01:22 | B | S5 | Preveza [Greece] | KM08JW | Takis | sv6czq | rig ft-817,ant dipole inv vee (72 Flux,4 K index,1 A index) |
03-01-2006 | 15:56 | A | S1 | Casalecchio di Reno [Italy] | JN54DS | Valerio | IK4GBU | Very good signal on Argo Software |
22-12-2005 | 14:59 | B | S1 | South West germany [Germany] | JN49AA | Nobody | DL0000 | Your beacon is just annoying in the 40m band and serves no real purpose. The band is crowded enough. |
07-12-2005 | 02:58 | A | S2 | Wunstorf [Germany] | JO42RK | Sven | DD6VSF | |
17-11-2005 | 21:14 | B | S3 | Washington, NC [United States] | Kevin H. Miller | KI4DEF | have heard this beacon many times but just discovered who operates it! FB es 73 de KI4DEF | |
03-10-2005 | 08:58 | B | S2 | Madrid [Spain] | Christian Castillo Rivas | SWL-EA | Solar Eclipse. Receiver: Sangean ATS-909. Antenna: Long Wire 40 meters | |
03-10-2005 | 08:34 | A | S3 | Prerov [Czech Republic] | JN89RK | OK2PMG | 539 QSB... (Ant: LW 40m; Rig: FT817) | |
03-10-2005 | 06:44 | A | S5 | Prerov [Czech Republic] | JN89RK | OK2PMG | 559 QSB... (Ant: LW 40m; Rig: FT817) | |
02-10-2005 | 23:40 | A | S5 | Bratronice [Czech Republic] | JO60XA | Petr | OK1UND | |
30-08-2005 | 22:00 | B | S7 | SARZANA ITALY 44.1 N 10 E [Italy] | PAOLO | not yet | I a received a quite strong CW signal , a series of letters "P".Was it your transmission ? Good job , thanks. | |
29-08-2005 | 22:01 | B | S3 | Preveza [Greece] | KM08JW | Takis | sv6czq/m | I listen between Russian letters (C,S,P) cont 1 hour in my mobile with Ant K40 for 27 Mhz |
29-08-2005 | 01:45 | B | S9 | Preveza KM08JW [Greece] | Takis | sv6czq | Strong signal in my base rig now Ic-735 with LW Antenna (01:43 utc) | |
29-08-2005 | 01:35 | B | S4 | Preveza KM08JW [Greece] | Takis | sv6czq | I listen 3 hours cont in my mobile (TS-50) with K40 27Mcs Antenna | |
03-07-2005 | 20:45 | B | S3 | Muenchen [Germany] | JN58SE | Achim Maneval | DF2CQ | |
03-07-2005 | 19:20 | A | S2 | Muenchen [Germany] | JN58SE | Achim | DF2CQ | |
23-08-2005 | 22:05 | A | S2 | London [Great Britain (UK)] | IO91VM | Gerry Lynch | G0RTN | Up and down out of the noise |
23-08-2005 | 22:03 | B | S7 | London [Great Britain (UK)] | IO91VM | Gerry Lynch | G0RTN | Very solid signal with only some slow QSB |
06-08-2005 | 16:45 | A | S9 | [Czech Republic] | JN79AQ | Bohumil POLCR | OK1SBP | received by FT-817ND, LW 20m+Z-100 |
11-07-2005 | 12:51 | B | S5 | Boskoop [Netherlands] | JO22IB | Bob | PA5V | rst 559 on TS-140S es doublet ant |
30-06-2005 | 20:20 | A | S6 | Berlin [Germany] | JO62PN | Bernd | DL-SWL | abt.30db over noise, 2 carriers abt. 3.6 Hz apart, diff. abt. 10-20 db |
28-06-2005 | 19:32 | B | S7 | Berlin [Germany] | JO62PN | Bernd | DL-SWL | ~35 db over noise,EKD-300+dipole under roof, Spectran Softw.,200 HZ up D-Beacon |
23-06-2005 | 19:12 | B | S7 | [Spain] | IM99XW | Juan A, Bertolin | EA5XQ | Little bit QSB, received in 7038.65. TI signal. Good Job! |
15-06-2005 | 12:40 | A | S9+ | [Slovak Republic] | KN08IV | |||
05-05-2005 | 09:30 | B | S6 | Schaffhausen [Switzerland] | JN47HQ | Markus | HB9BRJ | |
19-04-2005 | 10:11 | B | S4 | 54N 3W (NW England) [United Kingdom] | Peter Martinez | G3PLX | Received on GPS-locked 5Hz spectrum. E-layer only. | |
19-04-2005 | 10:05 | A | S5 | 54N 3W (NW England) [United Kingdom] | Peter Martinez | G3PLX | The 80m signal seems to be two carriers 3.5Hz apart, but it's not a propagation effect. What is it? | |
17-04-2005 | 16:55 | B | S7 | Daaden [Germany] | JO30XR | Wolfgang | DF5WI | QRP is nice |
15-04-2005 | 13:57 | B | S5 | mayenne [France] | IN98QH | fred | f1exl | |
15-04-2005 | 13:52 | B | S5 | mayenne [France] | IN98QH | F1EXL | qsb+qrm | |
04-04-2005 | 19:27 | A | S9 | Jablonec nad Nisou [Czech Republic] | JO70NR | Martin Kukla | OK1ZOO | 30m LW a RX JRC NRD-545 |
13-03-2005 | 12:52 | B | S8 | PLZEN [Czech Republic] | JN69QS | OK1LV | ||
08-03-2005 | 07:25 | A | S4 | Pardubice [Czech Republic] | JO70VB | Rosta | OK1DXF | stabilni signal na dipol 2x 41m |
05-03-2005 | 14:58 | A | S1 | Baienfurt [Germany] | JN47UT | Alex | DD1ALX | |
21-12-2004 | 18:07 | A | S5 | [Sweden] | JO66JA | Lars | SM7OYP | |
21-12-2004 | 18:04 | A | S5 | [Sweden] | JO66JA | Lars | sm7oyp | |
03-10-2004 | 15:32 | B | S3 | Chios Island [Greece] | KM38BJ | George | SV8GXC | |
03-10-2004 | 15:32 | B | S3 | Chios Island [Greece] | KM38BJ | George | SV8GXC | |
17-08-2004 | 06:15 | A | S4 | Brno [Czech Republic] | JN89HF | Stanislav Korcian | OK236092 | SWL |
22-07-2004 | 09:08 | A | S6 | Praha [Czech Republic] | JO70FD | Franta | OK1DCP | QRN |
03-03-2004 | 06:51 | B | S7 | Los Gatos, CA [United States] | Richard Booth | W6NZK | Beacon is heard every night here from 10 PM (local) to before sun up. Quite strong!! Nice project. | |
06-02-2004 | 21:10 | B | S3 | Antwerp [Belgium] | JO21FE | Tony | ON4TVT | some QRM |
16-01-2004 | 07:39 | B | S9 | Antwerp [Belgium] | JO21FF | Jo | ON4JZ | |
15-12-2003 | 21:27 | A | S4 | HOFSTADE [Belgium] | JO20FX | Staf | ON6RR | Signal= -95 dBm |
15-12-2003 | 15:53 | A | S2 | HOFSTADE [Belgium] | JO20FX | Staf | ON6RR | Signal= -112 dBm |
15-12-2003 | 15:34 | B | S4 | HOFSTADE [Belgium] | JO20FX | Staf | ON6RR | Signals -101 dBm. QRM RTTY from MM0BQM |
11-12-2003 | 20:46 | B | S2 | HOFSTADE [Belgium] | JO20FX | Staf | ON6RR | Signals are very good vieuw with the ARGO program. |
11-12-2003 | 20:46 | A | S1 | HOFSTADE [Belgium] | JO20FX | Staf | ON6RR | Signals are very good vieuw with the ARGO program. |
07-12-2003 | 18:45 | B | S8 | Hever [Belgium] | JO20GX | Tom | ON4VDV | |
25-11-2003 | 15:40 | B | S1 | Northamptonshire [United Kingdom] | IO92RG | Dave | G4FEV | Audible most of the afternoon using Spectrogram but the CW ID is a bit fast. |
25-11-2003 | 19:35 | A | S1 | Northanptonshire [United Kingdom] | IO92RG | Dave | G4FEV | Solid line on the Spectrogram display. Very good frequency stability |
19-11-2003 | 16:04 | A | S6 | Stassfurt [Germany] | JO51TU | Wolf-Ruediger Juergens | DL2WRJ | ufb signal today |
17-10-2003 | 19:09 | A | S7 | Nazareth [Belgium] | JO11TC | Marc | on4ma | FB signal |
13-10-2003 | 16:58 | A | S6 | Kolin [Czech Republic] | JO70PA | Jirka | ok1xj | good signal considering poor cndx |
04-09-2003 | 12:05 | B | S1 | FRECHEN [Germany] | Juergen | DL4KE | ufb !! | |
24-08-2003 | 14:13 | B | S1 | Sonderborg [Denmark] | JO44UW | Jens Erik Mikkelsen | OZ0F | Beacon with "D" marker on same frequency. |
21-08-2003 | 07:06 | B | S1 | Appingedam [Netherlands] | JO33KH | Peter Knol | PA1SDB | Visuable from 0345UTC in ARGO. Stil there (0700 UTC) |
20-08-2003 | 22:34 | B | S4 | Appingedam [Netherlands] | JO33KH | Peter Knol | PA1SDB | Don't need QSL... Tnx for running ur Beacon ! 73s Peter |
05-08-2003 | 13:18 | A | S5 | Ostrava [Czech Republic] | JN99DU | Dusan | OK2SWD | |
26-07-2003 | 02:04 | A | S3 | Guernsey [United Kingdom] | Lionel Roithmeir | GU-21028 | SWL rpt | |
21-07-2003 | 01:00 | B | S3 | Guernsey [United Kingdom] | Lionel Roithmeir | GU-21028 | SWL Report | |
21-07-2003 | 01:00 | B | S4 | Guernsey [Great Britain (UK)] | Lionel Roithmeir | |||
21-07-2003 | 01:00 | B | S3 | Guernsey [United Kingdom] | Lionel Roithmeir | GU-21028 | SWL Report | |
19-07-2003 | 04:20 | B | S7 | Eisleben [Germany] | JO51SM | Ron | DL5CL | RST 579 QSB dwn, RX DX70, ant: 40m lw |
11-07-2003 | 16:36 | B | S6 | Le Grand-Saconnex (Geneva) [Switzerland] | Ewald Glantschnig | dash, 2 CW IDs, signal surprisingly strong but rapidly got weaker | ||
09-07-2003 | 20:11 | A | S4 | Grand-Saconnex (Geneva) [Switzerland] | Ewald Glantschnig | Contents: dash 2 IDs in CW ("OK0EU") starting at 26th second of minute, QSB | ||
05-07-2003 | 00:10 | B | S1 | Zevergem [Belgium] | JO10UX | Johan | ON5EX | Contineously readable & very stable |
03-07-2003 | 09:00 | A | S8 | [Czech Republic] | JN99FU | Jarda | ||
02-07-2003 | 20:30 | A | S7 | Benesov [Czech Republic] | JN79IS | Petr | OK1ITK | from 329 to 579 during sunset, very informative ! |
02-07-2003 | 04:30 | B | S1 | Stroud, Gloucestershire, England [United Kingdom] | IO81WR | Roger Fenton. | G3NQF | at 04:25 rst 219. at 04:30 rst519. 1/4Wave vertical. Ft100d. only with digital filter on,BW 120Hz. Can't open www.qsl.net. |
29-06-2003 | 18:45 | B | S6 | Arnsdorf nr. Dresden, JO81XC [Germany] | Dr. Matthias Zwoch | QRM by russian single letter beacon | ||
29-06-2003 | 18:35 | A | S8 | Arnsdorf nr. Dresden, jo61xc [Germany] | Dr. Matthias Zwoch | 2 x OK0EU in 6 sec 54 sec dash at sec 12. spectrum->zwoch@gmx.de | ||
15-06-2003 | 13:15 | A | S3 | Ondrejov [Czech Republic] | JN79II | Franta | OK1HH | Continuously receivable (checked since April 2003). LOC JN79jv |
15-06-2003 | 13:15 | B | S6 | Ondrejov [Czech Republic] | JN79II | Franta | OK1HH | Regularly received on weekends since April 2003, LOC JN79jv |
17-06-2003 | 20:01 | A | S2 | PLZEN [Czech Republic] | Vitik Ladislav | OK1LV | ||
11-06-2003 | 19:46 | A | S4 | PLZEN [Czech Republic] | Vitik Ladislav | OK 1 LV | ||
10-06-2003 | 04:56 | A | S1 | Kamenne Zehrovice [Czech Republic] | JO70AC | Mirek Najman | OK1DUB | I am receiving signal whole 24 hours (antenna 1 m LOOP) S1 by ears and by PC - direct wave and wave reflected from ionosphere. |
09-06-2003 | 20:05 | A | S1 | Kamenne Zehrovice [Czech Republic] | JO70AC | Mirek Najman | OK1DUB | Majak prijimam pomoci PC celych 24 hodin na 1 m ramovku (jak vlnu prizemni, tak prostorovou) |
09-06-2003 | 20:30 | A | S2 | Scheibenberg [Germany] | Frank Hunger | SWL | The signal comes every minute XX:40 with 2 calls in a length of 2,3 s. (screeshot I made) | |
04-06-2003 | 19:18 | A | S4 | PLZEN [Czech Republic] | Ladislav VITIK | OK 1 LV | signal QSB 449/559 | |
31-05-2003 | 16:10 | A | S5 | Pribram [Czech Republic] | HJ21II | Petr | OK1DPX | |
30-05-2003 | 20:05 | A | S4 | Jablonec nad Nisou [Czech Republic] | JO70OK | Zdenek Elias | DXer | Tnx for QSL! |
30-05-2003 | 03:45 | A | S2 | Kvasice [Czech Republic] | JN89RF | OK2PXJ | first reception | |
28-05-2003 | 01:30 | A | S3 | Lancashire IO83vp [United Kingdom] | Alan Gale | G4TMV | Bad QRN, signal weak, but consistent in early morning hours | |
27-05-2003 | 19:38 | B | S3 | Lancashire IO83vp [United Kingdom] | Alan Gale | G4TMV | Slight QSB, signal fairly consistent in mid evening hours | |
19-05-2003 | 20:27 | A | S7 | Praha [Czech Republic] | JO70FD | Frantisek | OK1DCP | QSB, QRN |